Dr. Jordan

Dr. Richard L. Jordan

July 1, 1962, isn’t recorded among the important days of history but it was very important in the life of Richard L. Jordan. On that day, he accepted the Call to Christ at the Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church, which his father founded in Columbus, OH.

Young Jordan soon became interested in playing the organ and piano, eventually becoming the Minister of Music, as well as a licensed minister of the Gospel, first at Corinthian and later at Hebrew Baptist Church, also in Columbus.

In 1989, he was called to pastor the Second Baptist Church in Washington Court House, OH. God then called him to the Pastorate of the Antioch Baptist Church in Canton, Ohio, in 1994.

Over the years, Pastor Jordan has earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in business from Ohio Dominican University, a Masters of Divinity degree from the Methodist Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate of Ministry degree from United Theological Seminary.

Under God’s guidance, Dr. Jordan is using his experience and education to enrich the spiritual growth of his local congregation as well as the development of others in the national Body of Christ. He has guided the training and ordination of several associate ministers to become Elders at Antioch. He has served as Catechizer on a variety of Ordination Councils. In addition, Dr. Jordan has conducted training for ministry leaders and held revivals in multiple states in the U.S. He has been both the instructional designer and teacher for classes on spiritual enlightenment and meditation at Kingdom Connection Fellowship International.

Dr. Jordan has been obedient in shepherding Antioch’s physical development as well. In December 2021, God relocated the ministry to a larger, handicapped-accessible worship facility at 142 Arlington Ave NW, in Canton. Even in the midst of the COVID pandemic, they were blessed to find and complete the purchase of a multi-purpose building where the ministry of the Gospel can expand in new and exciting ways.

On the personal side, Dr. Jordan and his late wife, Lady Sharon L. Jordan, parented four children who are now adults: Larry, James, Devin, and Reva. In addition to spending quality time with family, he likes participating in various sports. Above all, he enjoys the rewards of seeing people’s hearts in transformation as they are “Living Through the Word and Reaching for Excellence”.